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Deskblocks offers a typography system that simplifies font management, allowing developers to focus on features rather than font specifics.

Type system

Zoho Desk supports three typefaces: Zoho Puvi, Roboto, and Lato. Zoho Puvi is selected by default, but users can choose their preferred option.

As a developer, you don’t need to manually manage fonts because Deskblocks handles all the complex processes. Simply use the tokens below to modify any typography-specific parameters, and the system will automatically adjust everything. When users switch to a different font in their interface, your extension will seamlessly update the typography settings.

If you’re interested in the inner workings, particularly around typography, you can explore more in the article Supporting multiple fonts in a design system.

Font Stack

The primary font in the font stack changes based on the user’s preference.

--db-fontstack puvi, roboto flex, roboto, lato, inter, system-ui, -apple-system, sans-serif
--db-fontstack-mono sf mono, jetbrains mono, zoho puvi mono, monospace

Font Size

Font size is resolved in rem units.

--db-fontsize-small 0.75rem 12px
--db-fontsize-medium 0.875rem 14px
--db-fontsize-large 1rem 16px
--db-fontsize-xlarge 1.5rem 24px

Font Weight

Based on the user’s font preference, the following font weights will be automatically applied.

--db-fontweight-regular 400 370 400
--db-fontweight-medium 500 470 600
--db-fontweight-bold 600 570 700

Line Height

Line height is resolved as unitless values.

--db-lineHeight 1 16px
--db-lineHeight-large 1.5 24px


Letter spacing is resolved in em units.

--db-letterspacing-small 0
--db-letterspacing-medium -0.01em