Deskblocks offers a typography system that simplifies font management, allowing designers and developers to focus on features rather than font specifics.

Type system
Zoho Desk supports three typefaces: Zoho Puvi, Roboto, and Lato. While Zoho Puvi is the default selection, users have the flexibility to choose their preferred font.
As a developer, you don’t need to handle font management manually—Deskblocks takes care of the complexities for you. Simply use the provided tokens to adjust typography-related parameters, and the system will automatically adapt. If users switch fonts in their interface, your extension will seamlessly update its typography settings.
Curious about the inner workings of the typography system? Check out the article Supporting Multiple Fonts in a Design System.
For additional resources, explore the type test bench:
Font Stack
The primary font in the font stack changes based on the user’s preference.
--db-fontstack | puvi, roboto flex, roboto, lato, inter, system-ui, -apple-system, sans-serif |
--db-fontstack-mono | sf mono, jetbrains mono, zoho puvi mono, monospace |
Font Size
Font size is resolved in rem units.
--db-fontsize-small | 0.75rem | 12px |
--db-fontsize-medium | 0.875rem | 14px |
--db-fontsize-large | 1rem | 16px |
--db-fontsize-xlarge | 1.5rem | 24px |
Font Weight
Based on the user’s font preference, the following font weights will be automatically applied.
--db-fontweight-regular | 400 | 370 | 400 |
--db-fontweight-medium | 500 | 470 | 600 |
--db-fontweight-bold | 600 | 570 | 700 |
Line Height
Line height is resolved as unitless values.
--db-lineHeight | 1 | 16px |
--db-lineHeight-large | 1.5 | 24px |
Letter spacing is resolved in em units.
--db-letterspacing-small | 0 |
--db-letterspacing-medium | -0.01em |