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A radio button lets users select a single option from a set, ensuring that only one choice is possible.


Zoho Puvi
	import { Radio, RadioGroup } from 'deskblocks';
	let planet = 'mars';

<RadioGroup bind:group={planet} name="planets">
	<Radio value="earth">Earth</Radio>
	<Radio value="mars">Mars</Radio>
	<Radio value="jupiter">Jupiter</Radio>

Inline radio group

Zoho Puvi
	import { Radio, RadioGroup } from 'deskblocks';
	let spacecraft = 'apollo';

<RadioGroup inline bind:group={spacecraft} name="spacecraft">
	<Radio value="apollo">Apollo</Radio>
	<Radio value="voyager">Voyager</Radio>
	<Radio value="enterprise">Enterprise</Radio>


  • It is recommended to use the name prop on the “RadioGroup” instead of individual “Radio” components.
  • To change the row gap in the RadioGroup, use rowGap prop.
  • To change the column gap in the inline RadioGroup, use columnGap prop.

Disabled State

Zoho Puvi
<RadioGroup disabled bind:group={celestialBody} name="celestialBody">
	<Radio value="nebula">Nebula</Radio>
	<Radio value="black_hole">Black hole</Radio>
	<Radio value="pulsar">Pulsar</Radio>


Radio props

id string randomId Specifies a unique identifier for the radio button.
name string undefined Assigns a name to the radio button, useful for grouping in form submissions.
value string undefined Sets the value associated with the radio button.
disabled boolean false Disables the radio button, preventing user interaction.
group string undefined Links the radio button to a specific radio button group.
class string undefined Custom CSS class name for additional styling.

RadioGroup props

group string undefined Specifies a unique identifier for the radio button group.
disabled boolean false Disables the entire radio button group, preventing user interaction.
name string randomName Assigns a name to the radio button group, useful for form submissions.
inline boolean false Displays the radio buttons in a horizontal row if set to true .
rowGap CSS length unit 0.25rem Defines the vertical spacing between rows of radio buttons.
ColumnGap CSS length unit 1rem Defines the horizontal spacing between radio buttons in a row.
class string undefined Custom CSS class name for additional styling.
